Study Details

Study Title: The Median and Safety

Authors: Hauer, E.

Publication Date: 2000


Study Citation: Hauer, E., "The Median and Safety." (2000)

CMFs Associated With This Study

Category: Roadside

Countermeasure: Install beam guardrails on median of divided highway

CMF CRF(%)QualityCrash TypeCrash SeverityRoadway TypeArea Type
0.1387text textAllKPrincipal Arterial Other Freeways and ExpresswaysNot specified
1.18-18text textAllA,B,CPrincipal Arterial Other Freeways and ExpresswaysNot specified
1.4-40text textAllOPrincipal Arterial Other Freeways and ExpresswaysNot specified
0.2278text textCross medianAllPrincipal Arterial Other Freeways and ExpresswaysNot specified